Metal design banners are stylish constructions made of aluminum and fabric, providing not only an excellent image of the outdoor space, but also protection from wind, dust, etc. and plenty of advertising space.
They are manufactured in desired dimensions “upon order” with a maximum height of 1 meter and a maximum length of 2.50 meters per piece. They are connected to each other and adapted to outdoor space. On top, aluminum frames with transparent gelatin can be adjusted, when needed, so as to act as windshields with a maximum total height of 2 meters.
Their bases can be either of metal, movable or fixed on the ground with a screw flange, if that is allowed.
- The advantages of metal design banners are:
- Aesthetically unique outdoor space offering privacy with unlimited view.
- Protection from wind and dust.
- The outdoor space is friendly accessible to families and children.
- Unique look of the store especially if color uniformity is combined with umbrellas or awnings
- The store looks neater and cleaner.
- Particularly large and useful advertising space, either for the logo of the store or for the partners’ logos.
- Possibility of using them all year round, adding the top part if you wish.
- Provided the store needs renovation, color change or advertising logo, only the fabric is replaced.